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Capping {Dark Magic}

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  • Capping {Dark Magic}

    I'm currently a NewB DRK at 15, and I'm wondering when I should worry about capping Dark Magic?

    At my current lvl I'm usually the puller so I don't have time to rest to cast Drain, and most pts want Dia not Bio cast on the Mob.

    Should I just wait until 20 when I get Aspir? That way if I'm still pulling I can gain some MP plus (hopefully) gain Dark Magic skill ups.

    I also have a BLM but it's only 18, and I plan on lvling it when I need a break from melee'ing.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Oh, and while I have your attention.

    At 15, is it normal to be hitting about 40% of the time on IT not High Eva's?

    I have a Braveheart waiting for me once I hit 18.


    • #3
      If you are pulling I say cast Bio anyway. Or just wait until the mob is almost dead and then cast it.

      As for your accuracy issues... there's not a whole lot you can do about that. Is your Greatsword close to cap?
      Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10
      A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


      • #4
        Once you get Stun, Drain, and Aspir you'll have no problem capping your Dark skill. It's the other ones you'll likely start having problems with:sweat:
        Landon Lv. 75 DRK/THF
        Server: Phoenix

        Currently working on Relic Scythe....They say I'll never get it done, but I say it's only a matter of time ~_^


        • #5
          Originally posted by jmedno5891
          Once you get Stun, Drain, and Aspir you'll have no problem capping your Dark skill. It's the other ones you'll likely start having problems with:sweat:
          Oh, hey Landon, good to see you're still playing. I don't suppose you remember me, eh?

          On topic: Well the other spells are Elmentals and Enfeebling, neither of which will be that important in EXP. They're nice to have though. I kept Elemental capped just for fun.
          Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10

          A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


          • #6
            Yep, my GS is capped.

            TY for the info.

            I might try pulling with Bio.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Langolier
              Oh, hey Landon, good to see you're still playing. I don't suppose you remember me, eh?
              Of course I still remember you:p How could I forget a guy who has almost the same name as me Did you quit the game completely?
              Landon Lv. 75 DRK/THF
              Server: Phoenix

              Currently working on Relic Scythe....They say I'll never get it done, but I say it's only a matter of time ~_^


              • #8
                For me capping, having capped magic for DRK leveling wasn't a big issue at all. I'm a RDM by heart & true trade. DRK started as a detour just for fun, then my leveling partner took off! (He and I hit Lv.30 the same day. He leveled PLD, I leveled DRK. 51 levels later... hehe)

                Well my Enfeebling was capped for RDM Lv.30, my Elemental was capped to about RDM Lv.28-29, and my Dark was at least 10 levels behind. lol (This was well before the Bio fix. Back when Bio was just too expensive to an Elvaan anything.)

                I really caught up my Dark Magic in the 40's. Getting the Absorb spells helped, but doing BCNM40's helped as well. In about 3 days of BCNM40's in Giddeus, my Dark Magic went up about 30 levels. By Lv.45, Dark Magic was capped, and I could easily cap it before I leveled again. (Leveling on a lot of Goblins helped. Stunning so many of those damn Goblin Bombs, and a lot of Absorb-AGI.)

                I think my RDM work on Dark Magic was capped to about DRK Lv.25. Just as I was no longer leveling on Crabs which are great for Drain and Aspir (Could Drain a decent amount of HP back, and could easily land and Aspir that would "pay for" Drain and Aspir. [31MP])

                As for your accuracy at the lower levels. There aren't many items that help with Accuracy, so you're kind of stuck. At least you're Hume, as an Elvaan I found that sometimes I felt like dead weight to the party. Go an entire fire where I did 150 damage TOTAL. Then other fights where I carried the fight to victory. As you level, and better equipment becomes available to you, you'll notice Accuracy is much better, and doesn't bother you as much.
                PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jmedno5891
                  Of course I still remember you:p How could I forget a guy who has almost the same name as me Did you quit the game completely?
                  Well I did... or at least tried to. I came back a few weeks ago and just this night I had Langron restored.

                  My current equips as a lvl 70 Dark Knight:

                  Chaos Burgeonet
                  Chaos Gauntlets
                  Chaos Sollerets
                  Custom Hume M Slacks
                  Royal Knight's Chainmail
                  Raven Scythe

                  I am one {Incredibly tough}{Dark Knight}

                  Note: I recieved a PT invite five minutes after logging in.
                  Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10

                  A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.


                  • #10
                    Argg I still have to always start my own parties.
                    Landon Lv. 75 DRK/THF
                    Server: Phoenix

                    Currently working on Relic Scythe....They say I'll never get it done, but I say it's only a matter of time ~_^

